Avgustovski LGBT sprehod Alternative Ljubljana ponovno vabi na redni LGBT sprehod v prestolnici. Vabimo vas, da se nam v soboto, 4. avgusta ob 18h pridružite na brezplačnem sprehodu. Ljubljana LGBT Tour odkriva točke, ki so pomembno zaznamovale ljubljanski in slovenski LGBT aktivizem, pa tudi zgodovino pred njim. Na voljo je omejeno število mest, zato vas […]
Here are some photos from our free walking tour. Ljubljana LGBT Tour has proven to be an excellent and informative way to explore the LGBT history of Ljubljana.
Banksy After Banksy: a day trip from Ljubljana to Kranj
Banksy After Banksy: a day trip from Ljubljana to Kranj Are you in for some day trips from Ljubljana? We have a hint for you. Two years after the exhibition of Banksy’s artworks in Kranj, a old medieval town 20 kilometers away from Ljubljana, Alternative Ljubljana and Layer House are organizing a local graffiti tour […]
Free walking tour Ljubljana: Launching Ljubljana LGBT Tour Alternative Ljubljana team is super excited to invite you to our new walking alternative tour in Ljubljana. We’ve been working on this hard and long, so we can finally utter the announcement: Alternative Ljubljana is adding the Ljubljana LGBT Tour on its regular menu of walking alternative […]
Each one teach one: Hip hop culture
Hip hop culture in Ljubljana for kids and teenagers on Young Rapetek In May Alternative Ljubljana will be part of Young Rapetek contest organized by Društvo Kapa. The event derives from Rapetek concerts in Gala Hala (Metelkova, Ljubljana) – the only regular monthly hip hop event in Slovenia providing quality concerts and DJ program for […]