Top Things to Do in Ljubljana in 2019 The moment all were waiting for has arrived. Here’s the crème de la crème selection from the Alternative Ljubljana Team about where to go in Ljubljana in 2019 and what are the sweet things to see in Ljubljana. We’ve thrown among the top things to do in […]
Monthly Archives: February 2019
Free Ljubljana LGBT Tour in English: Sunday 24th February Join the Ljubljana LGBT Tour on Sunday 24th February at 12:00 in front of the Academy of Music (Stari trg 34). The Ljubljana LGBT Tour will be run by the local longstanding LGBT activists. It showcases places where it all begun, visits the present-day LGBT friendly […]
Brezplačna Ljubljana Wicked Tour: sobota, 23.2. ob 16h
Brezplačna Ljubljana Wicked Tour Vabimo vas, da se nam v soboto, 23.2. ob 16h pridružite na brezplačnem sprehodu Ljubljana Wicked Tour. Enoinpolurna tura razkriva žmohtno zgodovino Ljubljane od rimskih časov naprej in prinaša zgodbe o nenavadnih in krvavih epizodah preteklosti. Popelje nas po pripetljajih kralja alkohola, predstavlja nenavadne zdravilne metode in stare lažne novice, govori […]